Vidwan-ID : 275522

  • Prof Jogeswar Panigrahi

  • Professor
  • Berhampur University
Publications 2001 - 2022


  • 61
    Journal Articles
  • 3
    Book Chapter
  • 1
  • 6
  • 1
  • 1
  • 6
  • 2
  • 2
  • 5

Citations / H-Index

156 Citations
6 h-index
158 Citations



Co-author Network



Molecular depiction of trichome development in pigeonpea genotypes with contrasting host response to pod borer, Molecular depiction and functional genomics of Zinc homeostasis in Pigeonpea and Mungbean, Transcriptome landscaping of Clitoria ternatea and mapping of genes and QTLs governing Kaemferol, Taraxerol and Delphinidin content. Exploration metabolic pathways in Clitoria ternatea, Nyctanthes arbor-trsitis, Globa racemose, Bauhinia bahili for differential accumulation of the target metabolit

Personal Information

Prof Jogeswar Panigrahi

P.G Department of Bio-Technology, Berhampur University Department of Biotechnology, Berhampur University
Ganjam, Odisha, India - 760007


  • Professor

    Department of Biotechnology

    Berhampur University

  • Professor

    PG Dept. Of Biotechnology

    Berhampur University


  • Ph.D.

    Utkal University

  • M.Phil.

    Berhampur University

  • M.Sc.

    Ravenshaw College

Research Projects

• Genetic linkage mapping and marker assisted breeding in pigeonpea with special emphasis on resistance to pod borer complex and seed protein content

Funding Agency : DBT, Govt. of India

• Construction of Genetic Linkage Map in Pigeonpea based on interspecific F2 population using RAPD, AFLP markers and simple inherited trait loci (SITLs)

Funding Agency : DST, Govt. of India

• Molecular Mapping and Manipulation of genes controlling some Agro-economic traits in pigeonpea with special emphasis on pod borer and pod fly resistance

Funding Agency : UGC, Govt. of India

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• Genetic linkage mapping and marker assisted breeding in pigeonpea with special emphasis on resistance to pod borer complex and seed protein content

Funding Agency : DBT, Govt. of India

• Construction of Genetic Linkage Map in Pigeonpea based on interspecific F2 population using RAPD, AFLP markers and simple inherited trait loci (SITLs)

Funding Agency : DST, Govt. of India

• Molecular Mapping and Manipulation of genes controlling some Agro-economic traits in pigeonpea with special emphasis on pod borer and pod fly resistance

Funding Agency : UGC, Govt. of India

• Molecular mapping of the gene conferring resistance to pod borer and pod fly in pigeonpea using RAPD and ISSR markers

Funding Agency : International foundation for Science (IFS)

Molecular Characterization of Asteracantha longifolia and formulation of herbal drugs for gall stone dissolution

Funding Agency : Department of Science & Technology, GOI

Genetic Fingerprinting of Eucalyptus clones of J.K. Paper Ltd

Funding Agency : Collaborative project with J.K. Paper mill ltd

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